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The Effects of Doing Push-ups and Sit-ups Daily

Nowadays, an alarming number of people are out of shape. Indeed, obesity is currently one of the country’s most serious public health problems. Unbelievably, a large proportion of people consume too much food, exercise insufficiently, and do not take fitness seriously. As physical therapists, we are constantly attempting to inculcate in our patients a desire for bodily wellness. Naturally, with such hectic schedules and numerous responsibilities, it’s easy for us to disregard our physical fitness.

However, we also know that there are two basic daily exercises that everyone can perform that will unquestionably improve their physique. Fortunately, you may incorporate these activities into your calendar even if you despise gyms, weightlifting, and exercising outside. We’re talking about extremely simple, extremely fundamental push-ups and sit-ups. We’ll explore why you should perform them daily and the effects they have on the body in this post.


This is without a doubt one of the most fundamental workouts a person may perform. Indeed, you very certainly learnt about it in elementary school physical class. Due to its simplicity and efficiency, this exercise is one of the most broadly accessible. Additionally, they can be performed virtually anywhere and at any time.

Daily push-ups strengthen the upper body and core in ways that physical therapy rarely accomplishes. When performed correctly, they work the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, abs, and even the legs. Naturally, one frequent reason to perform push-ups daily is to tone and improve the chest and abs. However, the strength and physical benefits they bring much outweigh their superficial appeal.

How to Do a Push-Up

It may seem pointless to explain how to do push-ups. However, you’d be surprised at how many individuals perform this essential exercise incorrectly. As a result, they do not receive the full extent of the benefits. Additionally, they can raise their chance of developing acute or chronic injuries that require physical therapy treatment – which is why perfect form is always critical.

Maintain a straight back, an engaged core, and a lowered, not lifted, rear. Essentially, you want to establish a straight line with your body. Allowing your body to sag while you utilize your upper body strength to support yourself and lower, then elevate, your torso is not recommended.


Sit-ups, like push-ups, are a fundamental workout. Additionally, your physical therapist will agree that they are an effective method of building core strength and toning your physique. Sit-ups aid in the development of a strong core, which helps protect against auto and workplace injuries, improves posture, and improves sports performance.

Additionally, this is one of the few routines that (like cardio) both burns a significant number of calories and stimulates multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Essentially, this makes them a terrific alternative for losing weight and building muscle – particularly for those with little free time.

How to Do a Sit-Up

To begin, locate a flat area with lots of room and lie flat on your back. To stabilize your lower body, bend your legs and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Then, without pushing on your neck, cross your hands to opposing shoulders or rest them behind your ears.

When you’re ready to begin, curl your upper body up towards your knees, exhaling as you do so. Reduce your height gradually, returning to your starting point. As you descend, inhale. Along with improving your appearance, everyday push-ups and sit-ups will build your muscles, improve your posture, core and upper body strength, and help you burn calories. Additionally, including them into your daily routine is one of the most effective strategies to improve your physical health without significantly altering your daily schedule.

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