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The Safest Time to Do Sit-Ups After a C-Section

In the United States, cesarean sections are fairly prevalent. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cesarean deliveries account for over 30% of births.

A C-section recovery is more difficult than a vaginal birth recovery. While you may be eager to begin strength training for stronger abs and a flatter stomach, practicing situps too soon may cause abdominal muscle injury.

After a C-section, you will probably be unable to exercise for six to eight weeks. To ensure that you are exercising safely, follow your doctor’s instructions.

Following a C-Section, it’s a good idea to get some exercise.

It’s critical to give your body time to recover from the shock of major surgery before engaging in any type of activity after a C-section. Exercising too soon after surgery may cause your recovery to be slowed and result in an infected or open incision.

Instead of going to the gym for strength training, start with light walking until your doctor can examine your incision and give you the green light to exercise, which is normally six to eight weeks after your baby is born. Exercising too soon can cause injury to your separated abdominal muscles, in addition to slowing down the healing process.

Exercises for the Abdomen

Start with low-impact ab exercises like situps and crunches once you’ve been approved to exercise. After a C-section, seated isometric ab squeezes and pelvic tilts will assist strengthen your ab muscles so you’re in better shape to do crunches.

Squeeze your belly button to your spine while sitting tall.

Begin with 20 each day and gradually increase to 100. After a C-section, you’ll discover that doing situps and other more challenging workouts becomes easier as your abdominal muscles improve.

Use Proper Form for Stability

When you’re ready to incorporate situps into your weekly routines after eight weeks of healing and approval from your OB, make sure you’re doing them correctly. After a time of inactivity following your pregnancy, certain of your muscles and tendons may feel stiff and sore. You protect your body by correctly practicing situps.

Begin by laying down on a yoga mat. Cross your arms across your chest or place your hands behind your head.

When you raise your torso, simply lift your shoulder blades off the ground by pressing the small of your back into the mat.

Hold for 2 to 3 seconds before lowering yourself back down. For the finest workout, pay attention to rep control.

Alternatives and Things to Consider

While your tummy may be a problem location right after your C-section, spot-reduction is impossible. You’ll need to drop weight all over your body if you want to shrink your waistline.

Strength training paired with 30 minutes of daily aerobic activity and a sensible diet with plenty of nutritious, low-calorie snacks can help you achieve this. Combine this regimen with situps and other abdominal workouts to reap the benefits of your hard work in the form of flatter abs and a return to your pre-baby physique.

Post C-Section Abs Exercises

After you’ve recovered from your C section, your doctor will recommend activities to help you repair your abdominal wall. If your doctor advises you to start an exercise regimen, do so.

Pelvic Tilt

The pelvic tilt, according to Net Wellness, is an abdominal strengthening exercise that can help you reduce muscle separation after a c-section. Lie down on your back, legs bent, and feet flat on the floor. Tighten your gluteus and abdominal muscles. Deeply inhale as you raise your pelvis and press your lower back against the floor. Hold for five breaths, then relax and exhale. Rep five times more.

Head Sit ups

Depending on your healing rate, the Ohio State University Medical Center recommends doing head situps four to ten days after surgery. Pull your abdominal muscles together toward your belly button by crossing your hands over your stomach. Try to get your chin to contact your chest by lifting your head. Count to five while remaining in this position. Rep five to ten times more.


You can start doing curlups in your fitness program after around 10 to two weeks after surgery. Bend your knees while lying on your back. Lift your head, neck, and upper shoulders off the mat or bed with your hands behind your neck for support. Only elevate your head while using your hands to support your stomach muscles if you have Diastasis Recti, a separation of the big muscles in your core, according to the Ohio State Medical Center.

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