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10 Minute No Equipment Ab Workout

If there is one subject, I always hear people debate, it is abs. Whether you desire a more defined six-pack or a thinner waist, your focus should be on eating healthy, whole meals and strengthening your core. While I am unable to prepare a veggie-packed supper for you, I am able to connect you with a fun yet rigorous core circuit. The best part about this workout is that it is quick, requires no equipment, and can be performed independently or in conjunction with any other cardio or strength training.

Ab Workout Without Equipments

Each of the following moves should be performed for 30 seconds before proceeding to the next. Rep the circuit twice more, pausing as necessary.

Mountain Climber Twist

Bring your body into a complete plank position, keeping your core engaged. Bring your right knee toward your left elbow with a twist. Before switching legs, return to a full plank position by bringing your left knee toward your right elbow.

Left Side Plank with Leg Lift

Lie on your left side with your legs straight, one on top of the other. With your left forearm, prop yourself up such that your body forms a diagonal line. With your bottom foot, press into the floor while lifting your top leg as high as possible without bending at the waist.

Right Side Plank with Leg Lift

Repat step 2, but this time lie on your right side and elevate your left leg.

Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back with your knees locked together, your legs bent to 90 degrees, and your feet planted firmly on the floor. Alongside you, place your palms facing down. By bracing your core, lift your hips off the floor, drawing your knees in toward your chest. Pause for a while, then return to the starting position with your back pressed on the floor.

Plank Up

Bring your body into a complete plank position, keeping your core engaged. Lower your right elbow to the mat first, then your left, into an elbow plank position. Reintroduce your right hand to the mat, bending your right elbow. Rep on the left to regain a full plank.

Lying Leg Raises

On your back, with your knees together and your legs stretched, position yourself. Your hands should be by your sides or beneath your hips. Contract your abdominals to lift both legs to a 90-degree angle with the floor. After a little pause, gradually lower your legs to the beginning position.

Left Side Plank with Hip Dips

Lie on your left side with your legs straight, one on top of the other. With your left forearm, prop yourself up such that your body forms a diagonal line. Dip your hip slowly toward the floor. Reduce your descent to a level that is comfortable for you without contacting the floor. Reintroduce a side plank.

Right Side Plank with Hip Dips

Carry on with the instructions in #7, but this time lie on your right side.

Bicycle Crunch

Lie on your back, pressing your lower back into the ground, and drawing your belly button toward your spine. Bring your hands behind your head, your knees toward your chest, and your shoulder blades off the ground. Straighten your right leg while simultaneously twisting your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward your left knee. Now swap legs and repeat the movement on the opposite side. As you begin the action, ensure that you are rotating your torso and not tugging on your neck.

Inchworm Push-up

Maintain a tiny bend in your knees while you stand upright with your feet together. Bring your hips forward and reach your arms down to the floor. Continue walking your hands forward slowly without moving your feet until you reach full plank position. Perform one push-up. Once in full plank position, carefully walk your feet toward your hands and then stand back up.

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