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Advanced 30-Minute Abs Workout

Get a Flat Tummy in 30 Minutes with This Advanced Abs Workout – No Equipment Required!

Abs workouts do not have to be limited to ab bikes! What we mean is that there is a great deal that can be accomplished with abs. There are activities that can increase your heart rate while simultaneously helping you achieve the flat abs you’ve always desired.

Today’s article will discuss an advanced abs workout that you can do at home without any equipment. The workout, which was shared on Instagram by celebrity fitness trainer Kayla Itsines, can be completed in less than 30 minutes, anywhere and at any time!

Advanced abdominal exercises for flat abs

Itsines highlights a few new exercises in the caption of her Instagram image. The exercises are intense, she says. Sure, they’ll raise your pulse!

Apart from ab bikes, this workout includes five additional exercises that are highly difficult and dynamic in character. They are as follows:

  • 30 seconds Burpees and Plank Jacks – 30 seconds
  • Extended Plank – 30 seconds
  • Ab Bikes – 30 seconds
  • Sit-Up and Reach with Bent Legs – 30 sec
  • Side Plank and Oblique Crunch – 60 sec (30 per side)
  • Mountain Climber – 1 minute and 30 seconds

Three laps are required to accomplish this advanced abdominal workout. Watch the video below to learn how to perform each exercise. If you have time, you can combine them with a half-hour cardio session or a weight-training workout. It can be a pleasant calorie-burning workout that will assist you in losing weight, becoming leaner, and stronger. It can get your core burning and, with consistent practice, may even assist you in achieving flat abs.

Consequently, what are you waiting for? If you have a half-hour available right now, complete this workout… you can do it!

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